Net Content | 5 litres |
Packaging | PET |
You box | 4 |
Variety | Another |

Minimum: Box of 4 units
120,00 € €/box
Our project to create a website and manage a blog and social networks in the company Cooperativa San Roque, in the town of Pinos del Valle, which aims to contribute to the digital modernisation and improvement of the competitiveness of Andalusian entities, has received a grant from the European Union and the Andalusian Regional Government under the ERDF Operational Programme for Andalusia 2014-2020.
SAN ROQUE, S.C.A, ha recibido una ayuda de la Unión Europea con cargo al Programa Operativo FEDER de Andalucía 2014-2020, financiada como parte de la respuesta de la Unión a la pandemia de COVID-19 (REACT-UE), para compensar el sobrecoste energético de gas natural y/o electricidad a pymes y autónomos especialmente afectados por el incremento de los precios del gas natural y la electricidad provocados por el impacto de la guerra de agresión de Rusia contra Ucrania.
Net Content | 5 litres |
Packaging | PET |
You box | 4 |
Variety | Another |
Minimum: Box of 4 units
120,00 € €/box
Net Content | 500ml |
Packaging | Glass |
You box | 12 |
Variety | Lechín |
Mínimo: Caja de 12 unidades
120,00 € €/box
Our oil comes from the centuries-old olive groves of the Lecrin Valleyin the heart of Granada. Among the many treasures that this paradise has to offer, the most prized fruit, the olive, stands out. From it we obtain the juice that the poet Homer compared to liquid gold, oil. The Orovalle Extra Virgin Olive Oilwhich we produced in the San Roque Cooperativea product of excellent quality and flavour obtained from the lechín olive from Granada.
The Lecrin Valley is a magical place in the heart of Grenada. Hanging under the skirts of Sierra NevadaIts geography ranges from enormous mountains to gentle streams that irrigate extensive orchards and olive groves. This unique landscape, also known as the Valley of Joy, is a delight for the senses. Its history goes back in time and Roman and Arab vestiges bear witness to the passage of the most ancient civilisations.
The Lecrin Valley is a magical place in the heart of Grenada. Hanging under the skirts of Sierra NevadaIts geography ranges from enormous mountains to gentle streams that irrigate extensive orchards and olive groves. This unique landscape, also known as the Valley of Joy, is a delight for the senses. Its history goes back in time and Roman and Arab vestiges bear witness to the passage of the most ancient civilisations.
It is a productive and neighbouring variety, with a great capacity of adaptation, which tolerates cold and drought. It ripens late and its small fruits are very resistant to detachment, making harvesting difficult and costly. It has a good fat yield. It is a pale yellow oil, sweet flavour and very fluidThe area is well known in the area.
The Orovalle Extra Virgin Olive Oil is characterised by being a single variety Lechín de Granada. Its quality is certified by the agri-food laboratory of the Junta de Andalucía in Atarfe and certified by the SEGE. (Seminar of Gastronomic and Oenological Studies) of the University of Granada. Its originality comes from the way the centuries-old olive trees of the Lecrín Valley are cultivated, alternating on the terraces with citrus and other fruit trees. This gives our oil a distinctive flavour and aromas that give it a unique personality.
The San Roque Cooperativein Pinos del Valleis the marketer of the Orovalle brand. This Cooperative, founded in 1943, brings together more than 650 farmers in the area, who, following the tradition of their ancestors, pamper the produce of the land with the same passion as in the past. We have also adapted to the new times, equipping the oil mill and the farms with the most modern technology to guarantee the quality of the product, always taking into account the most demanding regulations.
"We found it close to where we were staying, we took some bottles of good olive oil they make there, and they were very friendly, thank you".
"It is an olive cooperative where I buy olive oil every summer. The price is quite right and the staff is very friendly and welcoming".
"Very mild oil of the Lechín variety, of great quality and at a good price, marketed under the Orovalle brand".